Clarification Announcement

PC Securities Financial Group Limited (the “Group”) noted that recently there is a company named PCS Asset Management and a website named 寶鉅交易 (

The Group hereby clarifies that PCS Asset Management aforementioned is not the Group and does not have any relationship with the Group. In addition, PCS Asset Management is not a subsidiary or an associate of the Group, and the Group does not hold any interest in PCS Asset Management. To the best knowledge of the Group, the Group does not have any connection or cooperation with PCS Asset Management. Hence, the recruitment of PCS Asset Management is not related to our Group.

Further, the website of 寶鉅交易 is not holding and operating by our Group. Our Group wishes to remind our clients never access such fraudulent websites or provide any personal information to such fraudulent websites. Clients are reminded to ensure they are connected to a valid website. The Group website address is ( and the Securities Trading website is (

Our Group reserves all rights to pursue further legal actions.

If there are any queries, please contact our Customer Service Department.

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We aimed to help you to gain broad exposure to the world’s capital markets’ to enable you to capture opportunities from various overseas markets and sectors, while diversifying investment risk.

Out top investment management team help you identify investment opportunities and maximise outperformance with strategies of risk aversion.

Mutual Funds

We provide over 1,000 funds from over 60 fund houses with different sectors and regions include Asia, Europe, US, IT and alternative investment, like hedge funds

The reputable fund house include:

The reputable fund house
01 AllianceBernstein Hong Kong Limited 23 Fullgoal Asset Management 45 PIMCO Asia Limited
02 Aberdeen Standard Investments 24 GF International Investment Management Limited 46 PineBridge Investments Asia Limited
03 Alquity Investment Management Limited 25 Guotai Junan Assets (Asia) Limited 47 Ping An Of China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited
04 Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited 26 Hai Tong Asset Management (HK) Limited 48 Principal Investment & Retirement Services Limited
05 Amundi Asset Management 27 Harvest Global Investments Limited 49 Principal Global Investors (Asia) Limited
06 BNP Paribas Asset Management Asia Limited 28 Janus Henderson Investors 50 China Yinsheng Group Limited
07 BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Limited 29 Income Partners Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 51 SG Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited
08 Baring Asset Management (Asia) Limited 30 Invesco Asset Management Asia Limited 52 Robeco Group
09 BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited 31 JP Morgan Asset Management 53 Rongtong Fund Management
10 CCB International (Holdings) Ltd 32 Jupiter Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 54 Everbright Sun Hung Kai Company Limited
11 CIFM Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 33 Legg Mason Asset Management Hong Kong Limited 55 Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
12 CITIC Securities International Company Limited 34 Lyxor Asset Management 56 Superfund Investment Group
13 China Southern Asset Management Co., Ltd 35 MFS Investment Management Company (Lux) S.à r.l. 57 TA Investment Management Berhad
14 China Universal Asset Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited 36 Macquarie Funds Group 58 Threadneedle Portfolio Services Hong Kong Limited
15 China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 37 Man Investments Australia Limited 59 VL Asset Management Limited
16 Deutsche Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 38 Man Investments (Hong Kong) Limited 60 Vanguard Investments Hong Kong Limited
17 E Fund Management (HK) Co., Limited 39 Manulife Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 61 Zeal Asset Management Limited
18 Eastspring Investments (Hong Kong) Limited 40 Mirae Asset Global Investments (HK) Limited 62 H2O Asset Management
19 FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 41 Natixis Investment Managers Hong Kong Limited
20 First State Investments (Hong Kong) Limited  42 Neuberger Berman Asia Limited
21 Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Limited 43 Nikko Asset Management Hong Kong Limited
22 Wells Fargo Asset Management 44 Merian Global Investors (Asia Pacific) Limited

For more details, please contact our relationship manager

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