Clarification Announcement

PC Securities Financial Group Limited (the “Group”) noted that recently there is a company named PCS Asset Management and a website named 寶鉅交易 (

The Group hereby clarifies that PCS Asset Management aforementioned is not the Group and does not have any relationship with the Group. In addition, PCS Asset Management is not a subsidiary or an associate of the Group, and the Group does not hold any interest in PCS Asset Management. To the best knowledge of the Group, the Group does not have any connection or cooperation with PCS Asset Management. Hence, the recruitment of PCS Asset Management is not related to our Group.

Further, the website of 寶鉅交易 is not holding and operating by our Group. Our Group wishes to remind our clients never access such fraudulent websites or provide any personal information to such fraudulent websites. Clients are reminded to ensure they are connected to a valid website. The Group website address is ( and the Securities Trading website is (

Our Group reserves all rights to pursue further legal actions.

If there are any queries, please contact our Customer Service Department.

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寶鉅證券金融集團獲邀出席富衛保險於尖沙咀北京道1號的「富衞尊尚商務中心」的開幕酒會。在開幕酒會中,寶鉅銷售總監Elvis Wong與富衛中介業務部負責人Shelyne ShumAbby Chu一同欣賞廣角度的維多利亞港的海景之餘,也探討了保險業如何能迅速適應現今社會的高速變化與未來的產業轉變和展望。




寶鉅證券金融集團成立於2001年,集團成員在新加坡、香港、上海、台灣及印尼皆有據點及網絡優勢,為客戶提供專業、優質、多元的金融產品及服務,包括資產管理、財富管理、證券交易、保險理財、基金、離岸信託、投資組合管理、全球置產或移居、企業諮詢等,全部都領有相關監管機構發出的牌照或資格,是值得信賴的理財夥伴。集團更於2018年推出「Heritage Account尊爵投資帳戶」,為高端客戶提供尊貴優越嶄新的投資管理服務。


  • 寶鉅金融(新加坡)有限公司
  • 寶鉅奕豐控股(新加坡)有限公司
  • 寶鉅證券有限公司
  • PC Asset Management Limited
  • 寶鉅投資顧問有限公司
  • 寶鉅國際有限公司
  • 寶鉅財富管理有限公司
  • 寶鉅管理服務有限公司
  • 寶元財務有限公司
  • 翔鉅管理諮詢(上海)有限公司
  • 澤鉅管理顧問有限公司


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